
CAP Communication Awards – 2013

CAP Communication Awards – 2013

Innovative communication Winners 2013



America for Bulgaria Foundation

Regional Children’s Dance Festival Held in Peroushtitsa, April 30, 2011

Regional Children’s Dance Festival in Peroushtitsa, April 30, 2011

Regional Children’s Dance Festival took place in Peroushtitsa on April 4, 2011. It was organized by the local cultural centre – chitalishte Prosveta 1862.

The festival was organized in cooperation with the Land Source of Income Foundation as a part of an initiative of the chitalishte, implemented within the framework of […]

Peter Bonev Primary School in Peroushtitsa organizes Roma Folklore Festival, April 28, 2011

Roma Folklore Festival - Peter Bonev Primary School in Peroushtitsa, April 28, 2011

The teachers from Peter Bonev Primary School in Peroushtitsa organized Roma Folklore Festival on April 28 2011. The rich variety of Roma folklore was demonstrated by Roma children through songs, dances and a play.

The celebration was part of the school initiative Heirs of a beautiful and heroic place, financed by […]

First Training of Partner Organizations to spread out the IM4SBS, April 15-16, 2011

Meetings with people from the Roma neighborhood of the town Perushtitza and foundation's partners, 16.04.2011, April 15-16, 2011

The first training for partner organizations was organized in Trimontium Hotel, Plovdiv on April 15-16 2011 to introduce the Integrated Model for small business support of less privileged groups.

The workshop is a component targeted at spreading out the IM4SBS, developed within the framework of the Project Roma Income Generation and […]

LSoI Foundation takes part in AGRA 2011, Mart 9-13, 2011

The participation of Agra 2011, March 9-13, 2011

LSoI Foundation took part in the annual international agricultural exhibition AGRA 2011 on March 9 – 13 in the Plovdiv International Fair. Our stand presented the book series Land – Source of Income targeted at small farmers. The series includes books describing the techniques for growing and protection of vegetables, vineyards and orchards […]

Rural Development Programme Seminar, February 19, 2011

On February 19, 2011 in the Water Administration Building in Plovdiv a meeting with beneficiaries, implementing business plans under the measures of the Rural Development Programme, took place. Requirements to the project documentation and business plan implementation activities were clarified. New people interested in the RDP joined the meeting and they were given […]

Workshop for viticulturists and fruit-growers held in Peroushtitsa, February 18, 2011

On February 18, 2011 the LSoI Foundation organized a workshop for the participants in the Land Source of Income programme from Peroushtitsa. The workshop trainer was Georgi Govedarov – lecturer at the University of Agriculture in Plovdiv.The workshop took place in Zlatka Hristova’s cafe in the Roma neighbourhood of Peroushitsa. Zlatka is a […]

Roma Neighbourhood in Peroushtitsa Celebrates Trifon Zarezan, February 14, 2011

Roma neighbourhood in Peroushtitsa celebrate Trifon Zarezan, February 14, 2011

On February 14, 2011 the Roma neighbourhood in Peroushtitsa for the first time celebrate Trifon Zarezan – the traditional national day of viniculturists. The men from the neighbourhook made the traditional trimming of vines and then the celebration went on with singing and dancing with the wide participation of the whole neighbourhood population.

